Saturday, February 21, 2009

trying to buy our first home

As exciteing as it is to shop and search and check out homes with the asperations to be a home owner, the stress is almost equal to excitement, (almost). It looks like were getting to the final steps toward closeing on "Our first Home". Hopefully the releif after closeing will be soothing. It's hard to beleive that I'm married, buying a home, talking about having kids, attending church, trying to understand God, and generally being responsible. I figured it would happen at some point in my life, I kinda thought it would have been a little sooner.
But I don't think I would change much. All the stories I could tell, some sad, some happy, some scary, some unbeleiveable. But lately, joyful stories. Joyful, it's like a french word that I never quite understood.
So we're on pins and needles waiting for the finals on our house.
Now we wait!

1 comment:

  1. You are by far the best husband there is!!! WE ARE GOING TO BE HOME OWNERS! You know what comes next....
    I love you babe, there is no one else in this whole world that I would want to spend the rest of my life with.
