Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not Much New

Nothing much new has happened since the last time I posted something. Madalyn is still beautiful and trying to crawl.

I AM GOING TO COLORADO! I am super excited and super freaked out. I will be traveling alone with Madalyn. I am freaked out about the plane rides and 2 hour time change! But I will be seeing all of my family of whom I miss very much.

Tomorrow Madalyn and I are going to the water park, I will try to get some good pictures and post them.

Two Palms Construction is doing really good. Jamie is keeping busy and God is paying our bills.

I am finishing Breaking Dawn, which is the last book in the Twilight series. I love to read. Weird, I know.

Love you all.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Palms Construction LLC

So Christine and I started a business Monday. I've wanted to do it for years. So we're jumping in! I'm nervous and exicited! I've felt like I was supposed to start this sooner, but I was chicken.
We could use your prayers, and your business.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday !!!

Madalyn Isabelle Leigh


8lb 10oz 21in

What an incredible 3 days it's been!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

still reeling

Yea, I'm still reeling from my aunts comment on my Oct 7, paradox. It was about my step dad, and his relationship with her and with me.
We grew up in the same house for quite a while. Me, my Mom, my Sister, my Aunt and my Gammy. I reall miss those days. Then he moved in.
It's really weird to see someone elses view of those days and how different it is.
Strange also is my Moms account of my sisters dad, Timmy. He was there when I was 7, 8, and 9 or so. I always thought he was the coolest dude. I feel as if he included me in stuff, he showed me stuff, taught me. Moms story with him is very different. Me and Mom just had that talk a few months ago.
I think when Ed came along I rejected him, and vise/versa.
It's been a couple of months since we met and I spoke to him about how I felt. It went as expected. and I havn't heard from him since. I'm sure one day I will hear from him, but I don't think it will be anytime soon.
It's funny how 20 years later I'm gathering new information, still trying to figure out what went wrong, hopeing I don't do the same with my child. Who is due any day now.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

invisible forces

weird huh?
Last week I went to the Salvation Army with a friend who does free medical for the homeless. He has a big new RV turned into a mobile medical unit. 3 or 4 Drs, 1/2 dozen nurses and aids, it's pretty cool. He does 4 days at different locations and times. All to reach people to share Christ with them.
I had the opportunity to meet a guy from St. Lucia, I think, homeless, only been here a year, jobless, lonely, hopeless. We sat on my tailgate for a little while talking. It wasn't going very fast. When I was in his position I wasn't very forth coming with personal stuff to strangers either. Anyway, this gut walked up and just stood there, listening, seemingly wanting to be in the conversation. Pretty soon I was only talking to him, the St. Lucia guy walked away, and the new guy was an adamant atheist. A long pointless debate took place, mean while this guy from the islands walked back to my truck twice, looking at me and walking away.
I have always been a little weirded out by people talking about demon possession, and minions, and angels, and spirits and that stuff. But, afterward I felt as if I was distracted by some force from reaching out to this guy from St. Lucia. I realize he was hurting and wanting to be comforted. I was debating nature and feelings and organized religion and whatever else. I think it was just to stop me from reaching this guy. And it was pretty effective.
I hope this sunday the guy from St. Lucia will be there.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So, I called my Dad yesterday. We small talked for 20 minutes or so. I told him that we need to get together to talk about some stuff. He said ok. So I said how about tomorrow, I'm free all day. I had hoped he would call. I am considering telling him that if he wants to be in my daughters life at all it needs to start soon. My wife is due 1-1-10. We havn't spoken in about four years.
I'm doubting that he will say no, of course I want to be in her life, but I'm doubting even more that he will follow thru. Not responding to the invatation to our wedding really pissed me off. Not calling me in all this time, except once when I had called and he didn't answer and he called back while I was at work, isn't giving me much hope. I should remember that he has two sons that are really his. He only adopted me when I was 9. And he has always clearly loved them.
Part of me wants to leave him behind and never worry about it again, but it keeps coming up. I never met my real father, even though we lived in the same town. He has since died.
Sometimes I think that my relationship with him has negatively influnced all my "mentor" relationships. I think it has affected my relationship with God, the ultimate father.
I wonder if finally confronting him, either to start a real relationship or to end a failed one, will help. I wonder if he had the same troubles with his father.
I'm just thinking that I may have to deal with my feelings or emotions or whatever concerning my father I never met too.
We'll see.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Colorado Springs & Nashville

Last week Christine and I went to Colorado Springs and Nashville to visit family.
At my Mom's in Nashville went to see Steve Martin play banjo, he's pretty good.

In Colorado we went to Christine's brothers. I got to spend a 5 days with our nephew Ethan. He's almost 2 years old. It was quite the learning experience. I've been really worried about raising a child. But to see Mike and Mallory with Ethan, and their routine, I have been comforted. I know it will be difficult at first, big changes, no sleep, puke, poop, crying and a big mess at birth, but it will lead to a wonderful time with a child that will rely on us for everything.

I will probably even miss the times when we can set our baby somewhere, and she's still there when I look back at her.

We also went on a really cool hike at Glen Erie. It's a place that has a trail that after a couple miles leads to a waterfall.

And then we went home.